Our Animals
Raising happy, healthy animals is our main focus!

We care deeply for our animals, providing them the very best individual care possible during the duration of their lives, whatever that may be. Being a smaller farm makes this task much simpler; adjusting individual feed rations when needed, providing quiet eating and resting spaces if needed, monitoring pregnant animals, plus so much more, it’s easier done with a smaller herd size!
Most animals on the farm are born here, while a few come from other local farms (who’s values and raising techniques align with ours) shortly after birth or at weaning age. Regardless of when or how they arrive here, they all become our priority!
Our cattle wear ear tags with names, not numbers. Our herd is small enough to make this possible and we certainly delight in choosing names each calving season! We strongly believe in nurturing the mother/baby bond on our farm. We encourage all of our animals, including our dairy cows and goats, to raise their own young to a natural weaning age. Some of our mother cows love calves so much they are willing to nurse calves not even belonging to them – these are our wonderful “nurse” cows who raise several extra calves for the herd each year! Our pigs live in a social group, as pigs prefer, feeding, roaming the pastures, wallowing, and napping all together, just as pigs should!
Fair Cow’s Path is home to a herd of Angus based beef cattle, several dairy cows, mixed heritage breed pigs (seasonally), registered Lamancha dairy goats, a flock of laying hens, 6 farm dogs, 3 farm cats, 2 emus, 1 horse, and last but not least, our guard llama, Butterscotch.