Fun Farm Fact Friday: The Importance of “Lick”

January 7, 2022


When you’re checking fences, water troughs, refilling “lick” tubs for the cattle is important. As well as admiring pretty pastures with my happy little work buddy, Tux! ❤️ 😊

“Lick” is an essential supplement for our cattle. Ours is salt with a mixture of bio-available minerals added. Our soils, and therefore grasses that the cattle eat, are deficient in some essential nutrients that help the animals’ bodies grow, function, and reproduce properly. Our lick provides them with a good source of selenium, copper, and cobalt, which are three of the main nutrients our land is deficient in. We check/refill our lick tubs a few times a week to make sure our cattle always have it available to them. Depending on where in the world you are, and what the cattle there need, lick can be comprised of many different ingredients and sometimes serves as the main nutrient source for animals during times of scarce grass!

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