Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

September 24, 2019


Today is exciting! Today we signed the contract that enrolls just over 12 acres of our farmland in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)! CREP improves areas adjacent to, or that flow into, streams/creeks/rivers that are critical habitat for salmon and other wildlife.

CREP’s aim is to rid the area of invasive plant species like blackberry, reed canary grass, tansy hogwart, etc., and establish buffers with new, beneficial plantings of native species. These species of plants help prevent erosion, absorb extra nutrients possibly present from animal manures, and provide shade in the water for young fish. These buffers also provide additional habitat for birds and other wildlife… AMAZING!

We had to apply for this program, wait many, many months while a plan was created, and then go before a board consisting of Conservation District elected board members, Natural Resources Conservation Service members, and Farm Service Agency County Committee members, among others.

We had much support (and guidance) from the Whatcom Conservation District and are so glad for their assistance.

We are proud to take part in this program and continue being good stewards of our land!

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Sustainability Saturday 🌳 🐟 CREP Project Installation

Sustainability Saturday 🌳 🐟 CREP Project Installation

Here's a few pics of our CREP project installation. Can't wait to see it in a few years when the shrubs and trees are a bit bigger! These areas first had invasive species and decades of illegally dumped trash removed. Then, were planted with native shrubs and trees...



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