Fun Farm Fact Friday: The Importance of “Lick”

Fun Farm Fact Friday: The Importance of “Lick”

When you’re checking fences, water troughs, refilling “lick” tubs for the cattle is important. As well as admiring pretty pastures with my happy little work buddy, Tux! ❤️ 😊 “Lick” is an essential supplement for our cattle. Ours is salt with a mixture of bio-available...
Fun Farm Fact Friday: Haylage

Fun Farm Fact Friday: Haylage

Ever wondered what’s in those big, white “marshmallows” you see stacked in farmer’s fields?? Well, it can be a few different things, but OUR “marshmallows” are HAYLAGE – grasses that have been cut, chopped, and preserved using fermentation! (Second fun fact, they...
Farm Facts: Old Barns

Farm Facts: Old Barns

Today’s farm fact is about old barns. These gaps in our beautiful barn’s walls are not accidental or due to aging – and they don’t just make for pretty pictures of thin winter light shining through. The gaps in the cedar siding were intentionally left during the...